Monday, November 29, 2010

Block Router Monitoring

Flyers : Capodanno d'Italia

These you see are 3 examples of flyers for a party the size 10x20cm Year-end titled "New Year of Italy." All made with both vector graphics editing.
(Here is the front of each)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kaleidoscope Vision In Eye

Fotoritocco: Anni Settanta

Two examples of color photo, in the first above, I worked on the hue and saturation and then add the channels of blue tint and yellow. The result is a picture on blacks and highly charged with a retro charm.

In this rather than working on a variety of colors, bringing up red and yellow tones, I also added texture to add a wrinkled effect of aging of the photo paper.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Simi Garewal Scene From Mera Naam Joker

Contest: Art Water

(dA link)
on DeviantArt I found this contest named Water Art. It will be because I have never participated in a contest, will be the period where I was busy on another job where the water was the main character, who in the end I said "why not". The competition involves the construction of an external layout of a bottle of water from the Water Art name, you see these are the drawings that I have entered the competition. I tried to give an impression of the garden realized only using different photos of water drops and sprays, and then assemble them together and color them in different ways.

(dA link)
To be honest I have not taken more than 1 hr in the deployment of high-resolution image ... I did it straight off, maybe I could refine it more, but so are the things that come out best! In the picture below you can see the details.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

London Broil Beef Stew

Fotomanipolazione: Laura

Example photomanipulation totally done with Adobe Photoshop CS4 and using a series of photos taken by the stocks in my friends account Deviant Art (dA link )

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Accupuncture For Adhd

Fotomanipolazione: Lollipop

Another example of photomanipulation complete. The programs I used are Adobe Photoshop CS3 Adobe Illustrator Cs3 and . If you want to see a more detailed version click the link below (dA link)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can You Go To A Walk In Clinic For Birth Control

Fotomanipolazione: CuscinottoRelax

For this committee I enjoyed it quite a bit with Adobe Photoshop , I tried as much as possible, starting from the photos I have delivered, to give a "dress" summer to the subject, then so be able to use it in different advertising media-related product sales ( link).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

When Did Elvis Start Wearing A Jumpsuit?

Fotomanipolazione: Caryn

Per tutte le informazioni riguardanti gli stock utilizzati e alla visione di un'immagine più dettagliata cliccate nel link seguente (dA link ).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Book Movie At Imax Ottawa

Photomanipulation: Waves

In questa fotomanipolazione ho dato un seguito allo stile che avevo utilizzato precedentemente in un'opera ( link ). Nella mia galleria in Deviant Art trovate tutte le informazioni sulla foto stock scelta, non che una versione più grande e dettagliata dell'immagine (dA link ).

Shorten Curtains Without Sewing

Photomanipulation: Criminal

Trash Can Band Marching

Creative Digital Design: Daniela

Per questo disegno I used a photo that Daniela kindly sent me (which is the beautiful girl you see in the background). Entirely designed and hand-colored with Photoshop CS4 (brush airbrush) and Wacom tablet. The finished design is great 50x50cm.

Given the success in my Deviant Art account, I decided to prepare a version of the desktop size 2560x1440 pixels (dA link)