Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Base Ball Potential Energy

Resignation from FKWI

I resigned from FKWI
I would let everyone know that it was my own choice.
That, with the Masters, there was no quarrel, but a divergence of views, respected by both parties.
As they said, the Ravens Maestro, is not a failure but a change, Maestro Busato, do what you feel comfortable doing, Maestro Giaretta, I could not talk to him, my Master Vitti , and oh!, this is between me and him .....
I hope one day, and this is the thought of all, to return to work with the Masters of FKWI but for the moment I would like to take (as did our Masters) one of my road, not arrogance, but because I feel the need to do.
thank everyone for making me feel part of this big family, all masters, for teaching data, for making me grow, and as a student and as a teacher, always putting the facts straight for me to learn as much as possible.
I wish you all a good kung fu.

With esteem and respect.

Augusto hair.


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