Saturday, July 18, 2009

Level After Red In Cubefield

Stage training - 26 July 2009

Sunday, July 26 held a training exercise at the park of Castiglione, Shepherd (MN) from 8:00 to 12:00 (two hours of Tai Chi Chuan and two hours of Shaolin Mei Hua Chuan). The course is primarily designed as advanced training. May participate Even those who have a low degree by a separate program of training, program review and so on.
The cost for two hours is € 15, while it is € 25 for four hours.
The course is open to all and will be held in all weather conditions. Bear arms, passport, official uniform and overalls or other clothing for floor exercises, falls and so on.
At the end of the stage will be packed lunch for those who want.


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