Monday, June 29, 2009

Northeast Outfitterscanoe

Stage + Exam - July 5

Sunday, July 5, 2009 will be held on a stage of Kung Fu / Wu shu result from the tests passing grade (Chi) in Castiglione delle (MN). The time the stage is from 9.00 to 12.00. The topics are:
1) Review the syllabus for those who must support
2) Topics on request, consistent with the number of requests and participants
The cost is for everyone to € 25.00.

Examinations for the passage of a degree to follow.
The cost is € 16.00 per examination except for the first Chi is € 20.00.
is possible for those who wanted, also support the committee for passing Chieh (black belt) after written request (eg. For work).

lunch. Bring full uniform
clean and in order to take the exams, member of the federation, overalls or clothing suitable for floor exercises (falls, stretching, etc.). and sports equipment (weapons).

all instructors are invited to attend and be part of the examination.

In case of bad weather, or if it should rain, the stage will be moved to Sunday, July 12, 2009 in the same way.

Costes is asked to confirm their participation at the stage and / or examinations.
Those who make one or the other, the lead courtesy of two separate tranches.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cranberries Cause Dark Stool

New Deal Taijiquan

in September at the ASD DYNAMITE CLUB, former New Body Power in Gáspár Pedone 20 Cremona, will begin a new course of Taijiquan. Lessons will be held
Tuesdays from 20.00 to 22.00, the course will be taught by instructor Augusto hair.
For info. augusto.capelli @

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Region Free Dvd Recorders Consumer Report

End of June and educational courses. refresher

The last Saturday in June (27) from 15 to 18 will be held the last class before the holidays agonists agonists before summer vacations. On June 28, will be the last course instructors.
The first session of the course instructors to upgrade is the last Sunday of September, along with the return of evaluation forms of the examination last year.
After the second date will be fixed the upgrade required for instructors.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Creative Mediasource Organizer

Stage - June 20 June 20 June 6

For Saturday, June 20, 2009 is proposed at one stage of Castiglione (MN) from 15.00 to 18.00 at a cost of € 25.00 with the program on request.
Then we can have dinner together somewhere to decide right now.

In case of bad weather the stage will be held in the gymnasium of the former Accountant of Desenzano del Garda in via Moor Lane (near the pier). Time and cost remain unchanged.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Zumex Orange Juicer, Craigslist


Saturday June 6 aims at a stage of Castiglione (MN) with 15.00-18-00 time.
-demand, cost € 25.00. For those who want, then we can have dinner together.

stage due to bad weather expected for June 6th has been postponed until 20.